Writing Meta Descriptions for SEO: Best Practices and Tips

A Meta description is the summary of the entire page that gives an idea to the readers about the content that they get in the article. This is the first thing that users see on the search engine result page (SERP) and it decides whether the reader will come to your page or not.

So, it is very important to make the meta description SEO-friendly and multiple elements will help you in this regard. If you are using all the practices that can optimize the quality of your meta description, it’s your chance that you can get visitors to the page with great ease.

We are going to discuss some amazing tips that can help you with a good meta description.

Understanding Meta Description

Before we start discussing the secret tips, it is important to know about meta description and its role.

Meta description which is also known as a description tag basically tells the visitors about the content they will see on the website. The most important thing that you need to focus on while writing meta descriptions is that you have to cover it in limited characters.

In meta description, you get 160 characters including spaces so you have to write the content within these characters.

How to Write the Best Meta Description?

As discussed earlier, meta description is the most important thing that you need to focus on so you must make it fully optimized.

There are some secret tips that we are going to discuss in this section as they will help you generate an appealing meta description. By following these tips,  you will surely increase the volume of audience on your page quite easily.

Stay under 155 characters

The maximum number of characters that you can add in a meta description is 160 characters and it also includes the spaces in the content.

If you are exceeding this limit, the additional content will not be shown on the SERP. Therefore, it is quite important to cover this description tag in these limited characters. An easy way to keep a check on character count is by writing the description in an online character length counter.

By writing the content in this online character counter tool, you can check how many characters you have already added and what the remaining limit is.

Moreover, while you focus on the characters so closely, it will make it easy for you to eliminate unnecessary words and write the most important things in the lines. So, this is an amazing way that can be used for improving the quality of the content and making Meta descriptions more appealing.

character counter

Must add target keyword

Whether you are writing a description tag or a social media post, the keyword is the most important thing that you need to focus on because it will let you get the right audience on the page.

Therefore, before you start writing the description, you must do proper research and check out the best matches that can be suitable for your meta description. You can also get help from an online keyword explorer and figure out the best relevant keywords with high search volume and use them in your content.

One thing that you need to make sure that you should use only one keyword in the description because of the short margin and avoid keyword stuffing.

Keep the description unique

Make sure to keep your description unique for the readers which can be informative for them and can create excitement for them to read the content. If you are using simple lines that every other blogger is using in the meta description, you will not be able to stand out from others and the chances to appeal to new readers will be very low.

Therefore, you need to focus on the uniqueness of your meta description and make it informative for the audience that can appeal to them on the page and force them to read the entire content.

Use active voice

The content you write for the meta description must be written in active voice as it will make the lines more comprehensible for the readers. If you are writing your content in a passive voice, it will become difficult for the users to understand the message you are trying to convey.

You should deal your meta description as an invitation to the users so make sure to keep it simple so that the readers don’t feel any difficulty while reading the meta description.

Focus on the most important point

This is the most important thing that will let you grab the attention of the visitors and force them to visit your page.

Therefore, you must write about the abstract of the entire content in your meta description as it will give an idea to the users about what information they can get from the article.

If you are writing irrelevant content in your meta description that is not even important, the chances of conversion will get very low. Therefore, it is very important to focus on the key factor that you will have to discuss in the meta-description.

The importance of Meta description can never be disregarded because it will help you beat your competitors and increase the chances of getting more audience on the page.

Although this is a short line it is the most powerful thing that will attract visitors to the page and convert them to be your potential customers. Therefore, you need to make sure that the description you should be fully optimized.

The tips discussed earlier can be quite helpful for you and you can easily write a short yet appealing content for the meta description. The information provided in this post is the best of our knowledge and we hope you get benefit from these amazing tips.
