Online Tools

Here are some great tools that will boost your productivity by helping you whizz through those repetitive mini tasks that designers and developers encounter on a daily basis. These tools are free, user-friendly and help save lots of time too.

Title Tag and Meta Description Length Tool

Meta titles and descriptions that are too long are not search engine friendly. It is a good idea to keep in mind that in accordance with Google's threshold, meta titles should be no more than 50 – 65 characters and meta descriptions should be no longer than 155 characters, otherwise they will become truncated in search results. This handy tool will enable you to keep an eye on the length of your meta titles and descriptions.

Link Search Tool

This useful tool will enable you to search for blogs, forums, directories and other specific pages based your targeted keywords.

Text to HTML Converter

With this web based tool you can simply convert plain text to HTML code at the click of a button, by selecting the option you require to insert paragraph tags and/or line break tags.

Change Text Case Tool

This application conveniently allows you to convert the case of text to lower case, upper case, sentence case and to capitalize the first letter of each word which is useful when writing titles.

Word, Character and Line Counter

Count the number of words, characters and lines with ease using this tool. This is especially useful for quickly checking the length of articles and essays as you type them.

Please let us know if there are any other tools that you would like to see here on

Google Cache Viewer

Once you copy and paste your URL in the box, your page will appear showing Google’s cache.
