How To Tell You Have Found a Genuine Link-Building Expert

You need link-building for SEO purposes. If you have inbound links throughout your website and outbound links that connect with other sites as well, Google web crawlers will reward those efforts. Your site might rank without links, but it’s much more challenging.

You can contact various individuals or companies that say they will set up some links for you. However, you may notice that you have many candidates. How can you tell who will do the best job for your company as an expert SEO specialist?

We will discuss how you can tell you’ve found some genuine link-building experts.

They Have a Great Website

Any person or agency that does SEO should have a website. That’s mandatory. Nearly every business will have a website this year, and you should feel suspicious if the agency or individual you approach doesn’t have one.

Their website also advertises their work. You wouldn’t hire someone for link-building services or anything else SEO-related if they didn’t have a site with excellent UX and all kinds of useful features.

When you visit this individual or agency’s website, you should see professional-quality photos and explainer videos. They should have a good-looking company logo on the landing page that draws the eye.

They should have a drop-down menu with a list of the services they offer. You should also see an “about us” section that talks about this agency or individual and what they bring to the table.

The website should probably have a blog. There should be a list of clients that they have worked for in the past. Ideally, you should recognize some of those clients. If you see some in your niche or industry, that’s even better.

They Should Have Some Excellent Feedback

You want to hire a link-building individual or agency with superb online feedback. You should see some of that on their website.

On the site, you should see many five-star reviews. You should be able to look at some specific things that former clients said, and those reviews should impress you. They should say that this individual or agency helped them with their link-building and that they saw more site visitors and conversions after that.

However, you should also see positive feedback elsewhere online. For instance, you might check this individual or entity’s Google Business listing. They should have one since setting up and monitoring a Google Business listing constitutes basic SEO that this person or agency should know.

If you see many five-star reviews and positive comments when you look at the Google Business listing, that’s a good sign. It probably means this person knows what they’re doing in the world of SEO.

If you see negative feedback, two-star reviews, and so forth, you should exercise caution. That could mean this person or agency doesn’t deliver on their promises when they create links or handle other SEO-related tasks.

They Can Talk Shop with You Without Hesitation

Before you hire this person or agency, you should talk with them, via email, a Zoom call, or any other way you see fit. You can ask them some crucial questions at that point.

You should ask them whether they’ve set up a link structure for anyone else in your niche or industry. You can ask them about what specific techniques they will use to get you the best results.

You might ask them how soon you can see positive results if you hire them. You can ask them when you may expect more site visitors and how many more they feel they can get for you.

They might not give you exact numbers since that’s virtually impossible, but they should still give you a general idea of how they’ll go about their link-building strategy if you hire them. They should be happy to talk shop with you.

If they can tell you about the latest analytic tools they’ll use and the steps they’ll take to promote your company and website, then you’ll know they’ve done this before, and they have the technical expertise and background you need. If they seem unsure of themselves or can’t offer any specifics, you might have a neophyte SEO specialist on your hands, or maybe they’re completely fabricating their abilities.

Often, you can tell about an SEO agency or individual when you look at all these factors combined. Even if you don’t know this world very much, you can usually sniff out the entities that don’t have the skill set you need.
