9 SEO Tips for a Brand New Website

With online competition rapidly increasing day by day, you must do everything in your power to optimise your website for search engines, and for this, you need to execute some incredible SEO tips that can effectively enhance your search engine ranking and get more traffic.

However, the best way to do this is to have everything prepared before your website goes live. With this strategy, not only will your website rank higher than it typically would but also attract more visitors right after its inception.


To get the most efficient results, we suggest working with an SEO company that promises the best results, as well as using an SEO Checker. Given that they have expertise in what we are going to talk about, they can help you much more easily.

To understand how the process works, we have got your top nine SEO tips that you need to execute for your website.

Study the Competition

Well, it’s no surprise that literally every website on the internet has several existing competitors who have been using the best SEO tips to beat each other. 

Now, before you start your website, you need to analyse your competitors’ websites and try to understand their SEO strategies. For example, find out the organic keywords they rank for and how many backlinks they have.

During this step, make sure you analyse the competitors who have an excellent SEO strategy. This way, you can learn from their keyword placement, code-to-content ratio, and various other essential factors and use them to optimise your website. During this process, you can take a look and see if they are involved in HARO link building as well.

Conduct Keyword Research

Here’s one of the most important SEO tips you will find on this list. The entire on-site SEO is based on how efficient and effective your keyword research is.

On-site SEO, as the name suggests, is related to all the content that is visible on the website. When you research keywords, you need to find out the ones that have the highest search volume and the lowest keyword difficulty.

You can simply find these keywords with the help of various keyword research tools available on the internet. Exceptional tools like Ahrefs and Semrush Keyword Magic tools have been helping firms for a long time now. 

Optimise Domain Name

Once you are done with your keyword research, you need to think about your domain name. This is one of the most important but least discussed SEO practices.

The domain name is very important to your ranking on the search results. That’s how the search engine bots figure out what your website is about.

A good idea would be to add a keyword in the domain name that shall make it easier for the search engines to recognise your website. This can help you get a better SERP ranking and attract more organic traffic. 

Create a Site Structure and Map

While search engine bots crawl your website to index its pages, having a proper site structure helps make the process more efficient. Creating a proper structure with the pages you wish to add to the website is the simplest strategy used for search engine optimisation. 

You can choose to present your products, services, blogs, contact page and so much more. Moreover, when you work out a proper site structure and submit an elegant and strategic site map, the bots find it easier to crawl your website and decide its ranking. 

This shall not only increase your search engine ranking but also help customers navigate through your site without any difficulty. 

Optimise the Website Content

Content Marketing

Here comes one of the most integral stages of on-site SEO - creating SEO-optimised content for the entire website. How you can do that is pretty simple, but you will need some experienced SEO writers.

The writers will use the keywords found during the keyword research process and strategically create organic content using said keywords.

This gives the search engine a better idea about your website and helps increase the ranking of your pages for particular keywords. Therefore, efficient keyword research is essential for optimised website content. 

Add Meta Titles and Descriptions

The meta titles and descriptions are the short snippets that appear on the Search Engine Result Pages or SERPs. 

Although they are the titles and descriptions of the particular pages that rank on the search results, they aren’t visible on the website. 

This means that they are specifically made for search engines. However, they can be used for keyword optimisation too. Therefore, one of our SEO tips is to update all the meta titles and descriptions using relevant keywords.

Optimise Your Images

Now that we’re done with the whole written content, let’s move on to the visual SEO practices. Well, the written content still plays a major role here. 

The images that you upload on your website have certain URLs and alt tags. These need to be keyword-optimised before you upload the images all over your website. They can be product images, blog images, or anything else.

One other very important thing to remember is the size of the images. Whenever you upload an image on the website, make sure it is clear but with the least possible image size. You can use applications like Photoshop to make that happen. 

Work On the Page Load Speed

Optimising the loading speed of the site is another essential SEO practice. Search engines like Google take this very seriously because they want to deliver the best to the user. 

Therefore, if your website is taking time to load, it might frustrate the user, which can in turn decrease your ranking. 

To avoid this, you need to be mindful of all the code-related errors on the website and fix them. Furthermore, you need to take care of the code-to-content ratio and upload images of a smaller size to make sure they load faster. 

Add Internal Links and Work On Link Building

Internal Links

Internal linking is probably one of the most effortless SEO practices. Simply said, it is the process of adding links from one page to another within your website.

This helps the search engines analyse what the linked page is about and sends authority to the pages that need it the most. This way you can increase the rankings of your most important pages without having to put in a lot of effort.

Another important SEO practice is link building. In the simplest terms, the process includes getting links from other websites to your website in an attempt to increase your domain rating and organic traffic. With efficient use of this SEO practice, you can greatly increase the domain authority of your website and thus your revenue.

These were some of the most beneficial SEO tips that can rapidly improve your website’s rankings and help you get more organic traffic.

Make sure you follow these SEO tips strategically for the best results. However, if you have trouble executing these ideas with expertise, we recommend having a credible SEO company on board. 

SEO firms can effectively help you achieve all your SEO goals and increase the number of conversions for your online business.

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