Content Tips For An E-Commerce Website

Many people believe that content isn’t needed for an eCommerce website, as many people assume that a user wants to see the products and not much else. However, that is not the case in today’s world, as the online space is so competitive, you’ve got to offer something different, so if users aren’t sure about whether to commit to the purchase, they have an extra bit of information there to persuade them.

Content Tips For An E-Commerce Website

So, we are here with some vital tips to help you master the content on your website!

Make It Relevant

It is pointless writing endless lines of text just for it not to be relevant. The content needs to be on-topic and provide useful information for users that they can’t access elsewhere. For example, if you have an engagement rings category on your website, you would give an introduction to your products and what makes them different, and then have FAQs at the bottom with information on how to help people choose an engagement ring, how to clean them, the benefits of different types of rings, etc.

Go and look at what your competitors are doing and use this to inspire you to make your content unique. If you have antique jewellery, you might focus more on the history as well as the ring itself, for example. We just need to mention, that you must never copy even parts of content, as you want to avoid plagiarism at all costs. Overall, just keep your content as relevant as possible to keep your readers engaged and informed.

Make Content SEO Friendly

Optimising your content for SEO is essential as this is needed to attract new users to your website. This requires keyword research into terms that are relevant to that category page, which can take some time and investment if you aren’t familiar with best SEO practices yourself, but it will certainly be worth it.

You will need to conduct keyword research to identify highly relevant keywords that you want to optimise each page with.  This keyword will be included in the content and the meta descriptions. Your titles will also need to be optimised for your keyword. Once your content, titles, and metadata are optimised with this keyword, you will see an increase in rankings, as long as you don’t spam the content with your keyword, as this is just as bad as not optimising at all.

In terms of the keywords you will be choosing, if you are looking to target someone who wears antique jewellery and looking to get engaged, your keyword should be aimed at antique engagement rings. When people land on the website, they will arrive and find the products they are looking for exactly. If you targeted something more generic like “engagement rings”, not only is it more difficult to rank well, but your users will be far less qualified to make a purchase. It is ok to attract traffic to your website but you should ensure you are reaching a qualified audience. 

Attracting new users to your website is just as important as maintaining existing ones to allow your business to grow, which is why writing good content should always include SEO.

Ensure Your Content Is Readable

Both Google and your visitors need to be able to read your content clearly, as well as enjoy it of course. There are a few simple tips that you can stick by for this:

• Sentences need to be kept short and simple.
• Do not spam your keyword in the content you have written.
• Ensure the language is active and not passive.
• Don’t write large chunks of content and break it down into smaller sections with headings
• Use artwork or imagery to break up your content

Stick to these five simple rules and it will make your content a lot better. One final tip that we would give you is to take your time. This content is on your company’s website and therefore, needs to be professional, with no spelling and grammatical errors.

Content is needed for every website although some need it more than others. eCommerce websites don't need to have endless writing on the website, simply because a user is not primarily on the website to learn, they’re there to shop. However, you need to put some time and effort into your content and it will benefit you in the long run.

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